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Peace IV

  • What is PEACE IV?

    The PEACE IV Programme is an EU funded cross-border initiative designed to support peace and reconciliation in Northern Ireland and the border region.

    The primary objective of the programme is to promote positive relations characterised by respect, where cultural diversity is celebrated and people can live, learn and socialise together, free from prejudice, hate and intolerance.

    The programme is financed through the European Union and managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB)

    The Belfast PEACE IV Local Action Plan has been designed to address local needs, to be inclusive in nature and provide opportunities for all citizens across the city to be involved in peace building and reconciliation activities.

    Since 2018, we have secured over £14 million of PEACE IV funding to deliver our plan to support peace and reconciliation in Belfast across three main themes:

    • Children and Young People- £1.66 million
    • Shared Spaces and Services - £5.1 million
    • Building Positive Relations- £2.03 million

    Belfast City Council's Shared City Partnership oversees the implementation of the Belfast PEACE IV Local Action Plan.

  • Children and young people

    The focus of this theme is to enhance the capacity of children and young people to form positive and effective relationships with others from different backgrounds and to make a positive contribution to building a cohesive society.

    We have developed a range of age appropriate, creative and innovative activities for children and young people that will be fun, interactive and engaging. The activities also provide opportunities for sustained, purposeful interaction, with others from a different background so every child can reach their full potential.

    Our aim is that by the end of the PEACE IV Programme in December 2021, 2,772 children and young people will have taken part in projects that develop their soft skills and respect for diversity.

    Children and young people  Description Target age groups
    Technology project This project will use gaming, social media and coding at after-schools, summer and Easter camps and other events to challenge attitudes about children and young people from other communities 6-10
    Playing our part in the city project  We will use creative activities and play as a way of exploring identity and culture, as well as identifying and addressing community issues. This project also engages with parents to address inter-generational attitudes and to break down barriers. 11-13 and parents
    Young advocates Young advocates is a citizenship intervention model for young people to equip them to be leaders of the future and advocates for peaceful change by championing issues across the political divide. Youth-led grassroots and rights based campaigns will run across Belfast to create positive social change. 16-24
    Local area networks We will work with the NI Housing Executive to establish six local level networks to deliver a range of community planning activities including exchange visits, environmental clean ups, storytelling, personal development, civic leadership and active citizenship training. 0-24
    On the Right Track! This is a new sports development programme which will create opportunities for young people and sports clubs to learn, share and play together. 13-16
  • Shared Spaces and Services

    This theme aims to create a more cohesive society by providing shared spaces and services in the city.

    We will play a leadership role in creating a necklace of shared civic space in the west of the city by convening partners, engaging with citizens – we will transform land into a shared civic space which will improve connectivity between the city centre and outlying communities and neighbourhoods.

    This project aims to promote positive attitudes towards shared public space, help address post conflict issues, improve connectivity in the city and build on the city’s wider potential.

    By the end of the PEACE IV Programme in December 2021, we will have engaged directly with 600 citizens who will be involved in creating an exciting shared space.

    Project Description Target audience
    Capital An exciting shared space project focusing on 12 interlinked sites comprising of a core project located at the Springfield Road interface incorporating Springfield Dam, Springfield Park, the Invest NI site and Paisley Park.  All
    Programming We will work with residents to make sure they are kept up to date with project developments, how to engage with the project and participate and use the shared space. All
  • Building Positive Relations

    Building Positive Relations

    The focus of the building positive relations theme is the promotion of respect, cultural diversity and an environment where people can live, learn and socialise together, free from prejudice, hate and intolerance.

    Projects in this theme will encourage interaction between residents and groups from divided neighbourhoods, explore history in a sensitive manner, build mutual understanding and promote inclusion and integration of minority ethnic communities.

    These projects will improve relations between different communities with 1,400 people taking part in various projects by the end of December 2021. The projects will also give marginalised groups more opportunities to participate in peace and reconciliation.

    participate in peace and reconciliation.


    Project Description  Target audience
    Creative Communities  Throughout the PEACE IV Programme we will work with partners to deliver a range of culture, arts and heritage projects to address issues such as flags, parades and shared space. The projects will include capacity building training, professional development of the artists and a showcase event. Community and voluntary groups
    Decade of Centenaries (1918 - 1921) The Decade of Centenaries project will explore significant anniversaries which occur from 2018 to 2021. It will involve delivery of workshops, shared learning, exhibitions, exchanges, study visits and community led events. Community and voluntary groups
    Supporting communities This project will support minority ethnic communities, including Traveller and Roma in Belfast. It will develop localised solutions around migration changes and provide diversity awareness and engagement opportunities.  Ethnic minorities and Traveller and Roma communities
    Transform for Change This is a citywide project across 15 clusters (neighbourhoods) in identified interface areas in Belfast. It aims to develop new, innovative and collaborative approaches to peace building and reconciliation, as well as, addressing prolonged social and economic disadvantage as a result of living in segregated communities in the city.

    It will build the leadership skills of citizens, policy makers and public and statutory service providers to work collectively at addressing issues of segregation, prejudice and hate.

    Transform for Change focuses on building capacity and skills development through collaborative working in the co-design and delivery of joint projects within neighbourhoods. This includes engagement, best practice and networking events to gain community buy-in, as well as exploring cross border best practice through study visits.

    For more information, email


    Partners Transformative Leadership Programme (TLP)

    To deliver the Transformative Leadership Programme, we are delighted to be working with NICVA (Lead Partner) and their consortium of community partners - West Belfast Partnership Board; Falls Community Council; East Belfast Community Development Agency and Forward South Partnership. For more information, contact NICVA by emailing

     LINCS Local Initiative for Networks, Connections and Support

    The ‘Supporting Connected Communities’ project is delivered by NI Alternatives in partnership with CRJ Ireland. The project aims to welcome people from black, Asian, refugee, asylum seeker and minority ethnic communities recently arrived or living in Belfast and to:
    • develop connections between existing communities
    • reduce isolation, division, prejudice and racism between new and host communities
    • increase engagement of marginalised communities to take part in peace building and conflict transformation activities for the long term benefit of the city
    • celebrate diversity and raise awareness of a variety of cultures, history and identity

    For more information on the LINCS project, contact NI Alternatives by email:

  • Getting involved

    We want as many people as possible to take part in PEACE IV You can get involved in PEACE IV in Belfast by:

    • Taking part in a project
    • Engaging with various projects to address local needs
    • Getting in touch with community networks and forums which will be established as part of the programme
    • Bidding to deliver specific projects or contracts within your area of expertise

    To get involved email  

    Past PEACE IV pre-market engagement sessions include:

    • 'The Belfast Peace Journey' Cinematography project on 13 September 2019
    • Transform for Change Programme, on 4 February 2019
    • Traveller Community Support Programme, on 29 January 2019
    • Information sessions for suppliers interested in procurement opportunities on 1 August 2018 and 15 November 2018
  • Marketing and communications

    We have developed protocols for any organisation delivering PEACE IV projects on our behalf. Our delivery partners must make sure they meet the communications requirements of both the council and SEUPB and must ensure Belfast City Council sign off on all communications materials before publication. For a copy of our PEACE IV Marketing and Communications protocols and logo banners, please email: Crisis communications To enable Belfast City Council to respond promptly, accurately and confidently to an emergency or crisis associated with the delivery of the PEACE IV Programme, the funder, the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) must be informed and provided with information specific to their interests. The council, in the event of a crisis associated with PEACE IV will contact the SEUPB representative. Contact SEUPB Communications Team: Telephone: 028 9026 6660 Email: Address: The Clarence West Building 2 Clarence Street West Belfast BT2 7GP

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