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Equality scheme and equality action plans

  • Equality of opportunities

    As a public authority, we have a duty to promote equality of opportunities and good relations. Our equality scheme is our commitment to fulfil our Section 75 duties towards people who might experience inequality. We also have equality and diversity-related action plans to make equality central to our policy and decision-making processes.

  • Why we have an equality scheme

    Our equality scheme outlines our arrangements for:

    • assessing our compliance with Section 75 duties
    • assessing and consulting people on the likely impact our policies have on promoting equality of opportunity
    • monitoring any adverse impact of policies on the promoting equality of opportunity
    • publishing the results of our assessments
    • training staff
    • assessing public access to information and services we provide

    We have in place necessary resources such as people, time and money, to make sure:

    • we can comply with our statutory duties
    • we implement the equality scheme effectively, and on time

  • How to get copies of our equality scheme

    To read our equality scheme in full, you can request a print or email copy or an accessible format such as Braille, audio, large print, Easy Read or other languages.

  • Equality and Diversity Framework

    Promoting equality and good relations improve the quality of life for everyone in Belfast, making our city a better place to live, work, socialise and do business. We want to make sure that fairness, inclusion and respect are central to our policy-making process and underpin all our activities.

    Our Equality and Diversity Framework includes all equality and diversity related action plans and ensures that equality is central to our policy and decision-making processes.

    To request our reports and equality impact assessments, contact the Equality and Diversity officer by email or telephone 028 9027 0663.

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