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Supplementary planning guidance

Developer contributions framework

  • Developer Contributions

    Developer Contributions are a planning tool used to mitigate or manage the impacts of new development. They may be used to ensure that new development is supported by the right infrastructure or make sure that the environmental impacts of proposals are appropriately managed. The council’s Developer Contribution Framework sets out the council’s approach to securing Developer Contributions as part of the planning application process. It is intended for use by applicants, developers, elected members and the public, and by planning officers in the assessment of planning applications within Belfast.

    Belfast City Council has routinely secured Developer Contributions since local government reform in April 2015. Their use is supported by legislation and planning policy. The Framework brings together existing regional and local planning policies on Developer Contributions and sets out the council’s interpretation of those policies. The Framework should therefore be read in conjunction with the existing planning policy framework, including the Strategic Planning Policy Statement for Northern Ireland (SPPS), Planning Policy Statements (PPSs), and the draft Belfast Metropolitan Area Plan (BMAP). The Department for Infrastructure’s guidance, Development Management Practice Note 21: Section 76 Planning Agreements, is also relevant.

    The Developer Contributions Framework was ratified for adoption by Full Council on 06 January 2020.

    Where relevant to a specific development proposal, the Framework is a material consideration when determining planning applications.

    The Developer Contributions Framework and associated reports can be requested by emailing

  • Documents

    Developer Contributions Framework 
    The Framework sets out the council’s approach to securing developer contributions as part of the planning application process. 

    Developer Contributions Framework Strategic Environmental Assessment screening report 
    Considers the potential impact of the Framework on the environment in accordance with the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Regulation. 

    Draft Developer Contributions Framework Statistical Consultation Report  
    Provides a statistical analysis of responses received during  public consultation.

    Draft Developer Contributions Framework Summary of Key Issues and Response 
    Provides a summary of responses received during public consultation and the council’s response to key issues raised. The summary shows where the council made changes to the Framework in the light of consultation replies.

    To request a copy of any of these documents in PDF format email

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