Sclater’s crowned pigeon
Goura Sclaterii
Sclater’s crowned pigeons are related to the grey pigeons we see on our streets every day. Originating from their Island home of New Guinea they are one of the world’s largest species of pigeon. They have a beautiful blue ornate ‘crown’ of feathers on their head and a deep purple breast. They spend a lot of time on the ground, looking for fallen seeds and fruit and, when disturbed, they try to run away rather than fly. If they need to, the birds will fly up to a high branch and perch there while nervously wagging their tails.
Our Sclater’s crowned pigeons at Belfast breed three times a year in the rainforest house, successfully rearing a single chick each time.
The average Sclater’s crowned pigeon is up to 75 centimetres long and weighs up to 2.25 kilograms. This species can be found in the zoo’s Rainforest House.
IUCN red list status

The IUCN status of the Sclater’s crowned pigeon is near threatened.
For more information on classifications visit
Animal class
Conservation status
They are listed under Appendix II of CITES. The IUCN considers Sclater’s crowned pigeons to be facing a high risk of extinction in the wild.
Rainforest and forest
Exact population numbers are unknown but the number of Sclater’s crowned pigeons living in the wild is decreasing.
Omnivore. Sclater’s crowned pigeons eat fallen fruit and seeds from trees and bushes. They also eat snails.