In the zoo
- Is the learning centre wheelchair accessible?
Yes, our education centre is wheelchair accessible
- Do you cater for visitor with special education needs and disabilities
Yes, we can provide a SEND session tailored to the individual needs.
- What toilet facilities do you have?
Our toilet facilities can be located around the zoo grounds, unfortunately we have none in our education centre.
- Are there undercover areas for schools to eat?
Yes, we have an undercover picnic area at the top of the hill beside our treetop café.
- Do you have lockers available for schools?
No, we advise school to bring minimal items as you will have to carry them around the zoo with you. There are lockers that visitors can use at a charge of £1 per locker. Note the £1 charge is non-refundable.
- Are your education team able to visit my school or group?
Yes, you can book one of our outreach sessions which will consist of two 45-minute session. (travel cost will be involved in price)
- What workshops do you have on offer?
To get the full benefit of our sessions we ask school to grant access to a computer and projector as well as providing tables for our props and animals.
- What space do you need to run an outreach workshop?
To get the full benefit of our sessions we ask school to grant access to a computer and projector as well as providing tables for our props and animals.
- How many children can attend each workshop?
Each session can hold up to 30 pupils.
- What do you bring with you for outreach workshops?
We bring our range of our safari and animal props along with a few of our education animals.
- Do I have to stay with my class?
Yes, for child protection reasons all staff must remain with the students during the session.
Health and safety
- Can you provide schools with a risk assessment?
Yes, we have risk assessments made for all our session which will be emailed to you along with the booking form.
- What emergency procedures do you have in place?
Our emergency procedures are tested and updated regularly, and zoo staff are trained to direct visitors in lines with a emergency procedure.
- What supervision is required for children?
Schools/Groups must uphold Child: Adult ratio based on the age group and young children must not be left unattended.