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Corporate plan and improvement plan

  • Corporate Plan 2017 - 2021

    Our corporate plan sets out our priorities and the work we will do to improve the quality of life for everyone in Belfast.

    Our priorities are closely aligned to those within the Belfast Agenda, the community plan for Belfast, which was developed by the Belfast Community Planning Partnership. It sets out a shared vision and associated outcomes for the city.

    As a result, the current corporate plan for the period 2017–2021 focuses on the four key pillars of the Belfast Agenda:

    • Growing the economy
    • City development
    • Working and learning
    • Living here

    The document also contains a programme related to creating a 'fit for purpose' organisation, which includes:

    • customer focused service improvements
    • organisational development, and
    • the efficiency programme.
  • Improvement Plan 2019-2020

    The Local Government Act (NI) 2014 introduced an ‘improvement duty’ on councils, which requires us to make arrangements to ensure continuous improvement in relation to the services we provide.

    As part of this, we are required to consult residents on our proposed improvement objectives and to publish an annual Improvement Plan setting out the agreed improvement objectives for the year ahead and our arrangements to achieve them.

    Our improvement objectives are aligned to the Belfast Agenda and Corporate Plan 2017 - 2021.

    The improvement objectives for 2019-20 are:

    Working and Learning
    We will support people into employment
    Growing the Economy
    We will support investment and business growth in the city
    City Development
    We will support the regeneration of the city centre
    We will increase levels of household recycling and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill
    Living Here
    We will support people to lead healthier more active lives
    A fit for purpose organisation
    We will improve council services and increase customer satisfaction with council

    Earlier this year we began work on our improvement plan for 2020-21, but in response to the COVID-19 pandemic we diverted resources and attention to support the emergency response, helping to protect the most vulnerable in society and ensuring we could continue to deliver our essential services. In recognition of these exceptional circumstances, we were not required to publish an improvement plan for this year. Our most recent improvement plan is therefore for 2019-20.

  • Improvement plan performance assessment

    Each year we review our performance by publishing a report which considers progress against key objectives within our improvement plan.

    The performance assessment for 2018-2019 brings together an update on 20 key activities which contribute to the six improvement objectives detailed within the Improvement Plan 2018-2019. It provides a year end position for the period April 2018-March 2019.

  • Request a copy

    For more information or to request electronic copies of our current or previous corporate plans, improvement plans or performance assessments, email or call 028 9027 0234.

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